BACnet Objects specifies the control function of device to another device on BACnet network. An Object contain the list of properties which describe the object functionalities. Objects represent the BACstac architecture by an Object handler. Object also contain the device information like its identifier which known as Instance ID which must be unique in Network. There are 60 Objects which represent the BACnet data in different framework.
Each Object in BACnet identify with an Object Identifier. Object identifier is a 32-bit binary code which represent object type and instance number. Any object must contain at least a name and a value properties.
BACnet Object |
Accumulator |
Access Door |
Analog Input |
Event Log |
Analog Output |
Load Control |
Analog Value |
Structured View |
Averaging |
Trend Log Multiple |
Binary Input |
Access Point |
Binary Output |
Access Zone |
Binary Value |
Access User |
Calendar |
Access Rights |
Command |
Access Credential |
Device |
Credential Data Input |
Event Enrollment |
CharacterString Value |
File |
DateTime Value |
Group |
Large Analog Value |
Life Safety Point |
BitString Value |
Life Safety Zone |
OctetString Value |
Loop |
Time Value |
Multi-state Input |
Integer Value |
Multi-state Output |
Positive Integer Value |
Multi-state Value |
Date Value |
Notification Class |
DateTime Pattern Value |
Program |
Time Pattern Value |
Pulse Converter |
Date Pattern Value |
Schedule |
Network Security |
Trend Log |
Global Group |
Notification Forwarder |
Lighting Output |
Alert Enrollment |
Network Port |
Channel |
Binary Lighting Output |
BACnet driver cannot communicate without object and its properties which describes its working functionalities and compatibilities. Each Object have their own properties.
Each property contain 2 type of information. A property Identifier and A property value. Property might be define as Read only or Write only or Read & Write. A property identifier is the number that uniquely identify a given property in the context of the Object type. Property value hold the current value which device read from another end. For the standard Objects, ASHRAE, ANSI and ISO has standardise the properties. Some Objects may contain properties which are not standardise and proprietary.
Objects are categories as per its functionality. Mainly its divides in 12 types: